Copyright 2024 by Excellent Chemicals | 198601005452 (154612-P) | Adhesive Manufacturer and Industrial Glue supplier in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur (KL), Malaysia
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E-10-113 Sprayable Adhesive

E-10-113 Sprayable Adhesive


Product Description


For furniture industries, for laminating heavy-duty laminates. Bonding of overhead lining in automobile industries and insulation materials that require good bonding strength and are highly heat resistant.

Suitable Tools For Application:

Fine Tooth Scraper, Brush, Squeeze Bottle, Roller, and Coating Machine
*Furniture Manufacturing (Spray) - Laminate
Copyright 2024 by Excellent Chemicals | 198601005452 (154612-P) | Adhesive Manufacturer and Industrial Glue supplier in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur (KL), Malaysia
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